Alphabetical Index


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  M   N  O  P  Q  R  S  T   U  V  W  X  Y  Z 



a x b x c (Produx)

Abaque Rhabdologique (Perrault)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Addac (1925)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Addall (Adall)

Adder (1908)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Addetto (Addo)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Addi 7 / Addi 9

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Addical (Resulta)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


Addima (Weiskopf)

Addimult (1956)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Add-Index (1922)

Adding Machine (Little Giant)

Addist (1869)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Addo (1920)

Add-O-Matic (1937)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Addometer (1928)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Addo Multo

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Addograph (Brunsviga)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Aderes (Adix 1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Adix (1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

ADMA (1919)

ADM Teacher (Schubert)


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Aldo-Bona (1935)

Alfa Junior

Allen (1939)

Alpina (1961)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Amco (Star, 1922)

American (1913)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Amigo (1925)

Amifo (Adix 1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Antares (1940)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Appleby (1856)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Archimedes (1906)

Argenta (1949)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Arithmaurel (1849)

Arithmographe Troncet (1890)

Arithmachine (Goldman, 1899)

Arithstyle (Contostyle, 1906)

Arrow (1921)

Astra (1922)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Astra (Famosa) (1958)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Auch (1790)

Ault (1897)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Austin (1912)

Austria (1906)

Autarith (1910)

or bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 



for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Bair-Fulton (1930)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Baldwin (1875)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Barrett (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Baum (1913)

Beach Calculating Machine (1904)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Beaucourt (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Behr (1908)

Belga Novic (Master)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Bell Punch

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Berolina (1901)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

BIS (Berolina)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Blue Star (1951)

Bollée (1888)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Bolyai (1964)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Bonham & Schram

Braun (1727)

for bigger and more pictures, click on   the picture 


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Bri-Cal (1905)

Britannic (1922)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Brunsviga (1892)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

B.U.G. (1920)

Büttner (1888)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Bunzel-Delton (1908)

Burkhardt (1878)

Burroughs (1892)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Burroughs Calculator (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Busicom (Nippon)

Business (Master)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Bystrica-2 (Contex)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   




Calco (1921)

Calcorex (1965)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Calculator (1911)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Calculographe (Peerless)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Calcumeter (1901)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Calcus (1920)

Caroline (1962)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Caze (1720)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


Centigraph (1891)

Certa (Adix 1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Chapin (1870)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Chateau (1905)

Cheape (1917)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Columbus (1910)

Colts (Federal)

Colts calculator (Teetzmann)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Commonwealth (1915)

Comptator (1909)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Comptograph (Comptometer)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Comptometer (1885)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Comptometer (Bell Punch)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


Continental (1916)

Contex (1949)

Conto (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Contostyle (1906)

Cordingley (1890)

Corema (1949)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Corona (Portable)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Corona (1952)

Cosmos (Gauß 1924)

Cosmos (Walther)

Countess (Summira)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Curta (1948)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Cyclone (Ault)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 





DA 702 (Master)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Dacometer (1947)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Dactyle (Chateau 1905)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Daemen-Schmid (Comptator)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Dalton (1902)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Damhag (Berolina)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Demos (1923)

Denominator (1915)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

 Diakov (1878)

Diera (Adix 1903)

Diehl (1952)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Dimm (IMCA)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Direct (1920)

Dixi (1940)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Duco (1919)

Duplicator (Berolina)

Dux (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 






Eagle (Adix 1903)




Edmondson (1885)


Elmis (1955)

Ensign (1907)

EOS (Hannovera CK)

Esacta (1953)


Euclid (1950)

Everest (1952)

Excelsior (1904)

Express (1928)






Facit (1918)

Facta (1927)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Famosa (1958)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Fax (Rheinmetall)

Federal (1913)

Felix (1931)

Felix M

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Figaro (Thales KA)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Figurator (1905)

Filipowski (1860)

Flying Fish (1979)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Fossa-Mancini (1900)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Fowler Adder (1863)

Friden (1934)

Fuji Star (Nippon)




Gancher (Golden Gem)

Gardner (1928)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Gauss (1905)

Gauß (1924)

Genaille-Lucas (1883)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Gersten (1735)

Globus (1928)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Golden Gem (1904)

Goldman (Contostyle, 1906)

Goldschmidt (1906)

Gordon (1878)


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Graber (1911)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Gräber (1903)

Grant (1877)

Grillet (1675)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Groesbeck (1870)

Guy's Calc. Mach (Britannic)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 



Habereder (1880)

Hahn (1774)

Hamann-Manus (1925)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Hannovera (1921)

Harts Mercantile (1878)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Hatfield (1844)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Hatfield (1854)

Hauff (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Herring Computing Machine (1918)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Heureka (1907)

Hill (1857)

Hillerin (1730)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Högfors (1930)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture





Imca (1957)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Iris (1955)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture





Jakobson (1770) (Jacobson)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Japy (1925)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Japy (Precisa)

Jion (1955)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture






Klaczko (1913)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Kling (Calcorex)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Kling (Rokli)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Köpfer (Calculator)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Kollektor (1910)

Komet (Brunsviga 90TA)

Komet (Link) (1952)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Kosmos (1908)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Kuhrt (1923)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Kuli (Adix (1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   






Lafond (1909)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Landin (1891)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

La Rapide (Brunsviga B)

Layton (1883)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

L'Eclair (Sanders)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Leibniz (1672)

Leningrad (1930)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Lepine (1725)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Leupold (1727)

Lightning Calculator (1908)

Lindström Record (1913)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Lipsia (1914)


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Little Giant (1924)





Madas (1908)

Mahon (1775)

Marchant (1911)

Maruzen (1938)

Master (1925)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Matador (Brunsviga)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Matson (1949)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Mauser-Addi (1931)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

McCaskey (Victor)

Mechanical Accountant (1900)

Melitta (1925)

Menriver (1960)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


Mercedes adding machines

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Mercedes-Euklid (1905)

Mercedes Plus (1907)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Mercur (1909)

Mesko (1959)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Midget (1910)

Midget (Brunsviga)

Millionär (1893)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Millionaire (1893)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Mindling Pocket Adder (1926)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Minerva (Brunsviga)

Minerva (Famosa)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Minerva (Resulta)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Mira (1924)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Mira Visier

Monopol-Duplex (1894)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Monos (1923)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Monroe (1911)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Moon-Hopkins (Burroughs)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Morland (1666)

Morse (1909)

Müller (1783)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


Multator (Produx)

Multical (Produx)

Multi-Divo (Berolina)

Multifix (1953)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Multo (1949)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  






Neckermann (1970)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Nestler & Roesler (Webb)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

NFI Addiermaschine (1948)

Nippon (1945)

Nisa (1950)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Numeria (1940)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 




O.J.Adder (1950)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Oerlikon (1945)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Olivetti (1934)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Olympia (Thales)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Olympia (Brunsviga)

Olympia (1948)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Optima (1910)

Orga-Constant (1921)





Pascal (1642)


Pascal A.V. 13 T


Peerless (1904)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Penzensky (Felix)

PERAG "ADSU" (1948)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Perrault (1699)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Peters (1922)

Petersson (1873)

Pettometer (Plus 1931)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Phönix (1914)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

PHuc (1948)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Pilot (1961)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Plus (1931)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Portable (1923)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Portable (Prometer)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  


Precisa (1935)

Premier (Triumphator K1)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Procento (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Productor (Facta)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Produx (1928)


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  







Quixsum (1924)






Rapid (Adix)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Rapida (Resulta)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Rapid Calculator (1923)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Rapid Computer (1893)

Ray (Figurator)

Record (1913)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Regina (1932)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Rema (1915)

Remington Portable (1932)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Remington-Rand (1929)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Reports (Adix 1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Resulta (1927)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Rheinmetall (1924)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Richmond (Mira)

Richmond (Thales)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Rokli (1949)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Rooy (1955)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Ropel (Dimm)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Roth (1841)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   





S. & N. (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Saldorita (1937)

Sanders (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Saxonia (1895)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Schickard (1623)

Schubert (1938)

Schuster (Brunsviga B)

Schuster (Hahn)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Scribola (1922)

Select (1959)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Selling (1886)

Shires Multaddiv (1906)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Sigma (1951)

Sirius (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Slonimski (1840)


Soemtron (Rheinmetall)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Sojuz-Org-Ucet (1935)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Spalding (1884)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Speede Add-A-Matic (Contex)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Staffel (1845)

Standard (1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Standard No 5 (Sojuz-Org-Ucet)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Stanhope (1775) (Mahon)

Star (Amco, 1922)

Stern (1814)

Stima (1930)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Stima Universal

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Stolzenberg (Melitta)

Sumit (1959)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Summator (1921)

Summira (1953)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Summira X (Produx)

Summus (1906)

SUN (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Supermetall (Rheinmetall)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Surot (1920)

Svecia (Berolina)

Swift (1939)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 





Tasma (1924)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Tate (Layton 1883)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Tchebyshev (1882)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Techinco (1958)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Teetzmann (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Tempo-Mathic (Walther)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Thales (1911)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Thomas (1820)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Thompson (Triumphator)

Tiger (1930)

Tiko (1950)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Tim (1907)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Todd (Star)

Torchi (1834)


Toshiba (Blue Star)

Tourtel (1911)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Trick (1912)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Triumph (1910)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Triumphator (1904)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture  

Troncet (1890)





Unic (Lipsia)

Unis (Chateau)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Unitas (1907)

Universal (1904)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   





van Waesberghe (Walther RM)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Vaucanson (1936)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Vayringe (Braun)

for bigger and more pictures, click on   the picture 

Victor (1918)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Voti (Feliks)





Waesberghe van (Walther RM)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Wales (1903)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

Walther (1926)

Watson (1886)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 

Webb (1868)

Weiskopf (1921)

Wen Hua (1952)

Wibel (Facit 1918)

Winter (1859)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture





X x X (1906)

X-Matic (1956)






Young (1851)





Zagreb (Calcorex)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Ziffrex (Addimult)

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture

Zolnay Endre

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 




last updated: 26-Nov-13