Rema (1915)

Martin (US), pages 289 - 290

Martin (Dtsch), pages 310 - 311


Manufacturer: Braunschweiger Rechenmaschinen - Fabrik Rema, G.m.b.H., Braunschweig. 

The company merged with the Brunsviga company in 1922, but still marketed the model Rema I under the original company name. Model Rema II and Rema III were also marketed under Brunsviga MII and MIII.


Model I

principle  pinwheel


 9 x 8 x 13 

input  cursors,  rotating
production years  1919 - 1924
machines built  5.591
known s/n  low:  325
 high: 5.261
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: W.Szrek







Model II

principle  pinwheel

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 9 (w/o cr) x 8 ( w/o tc) x 13  

input  cursors,  rotating
prod. years  1924 - 1927
mach. built  4.000


dimensions  24 x 15 x 10 cm
weight  4 kg
known s/n  6.157, 6.424, 6.994, 8.724
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: P.Muckermann







Model III

principle  pinwheel


 9 x 8 x 13 

input  cursors,  rotating
production years  1924 - 1927
machines built  4.000
known s/n  7.109, 12.360
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: S.Wolff





principle  pinwheel


 10  x 10  x 15 

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1922
mach. built  15


known s/n  
      source: Deutsches Museum / photo: W.Szrek





Model 13R

Was sold as an East-German calculator  in Finland at the beginning of 50ies, when no calculators from

West-Germany or other countries with hard valuta could be exported to Finland. (Timo Leipälä)


principle  pinwheel

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 10 (w cr) x 8 ( w tc) x 13  

input  cursors,  rotating
prod. years  ca. 1952
mach. built  

 back transfer, identical to Brunsviga 13R

dimensions  29 x 23.5 x 16.5 cm
known s/n  251.976, 259.156
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: HJ.Denker





Model 15

principle  pinwheel

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 10 (w cr) x 10 ( w tc) x 15  

input  cursors,  rotating
prod. years  
mach. built  

 back transfer, identical to Brunsviga 15

dimensions  41 x 23 x 17 cm
known s/n  222,228
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: HJ.Denker




Denominator (1915)

Martin (US), page 290-291

Martin (Dtsch), page 311


"The Denominator is an adding machine for special uses. It is, in fact, simply a counting apparatus and, at least for the time being, it is produced only for American currency. It has eleven celluloid keys labelled 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, and 50 cents and 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 dollars. Each of these keys operates a special calculating mechanism with three windows above the keys. The butterfly screw on the left side is used for setting all the windows to zero. The machine is primarily for setting up payrolls in calculating how many 1, 3, 5, 10, etc. cent coins and 1, 2, 5, etc. dollar bills are needed so that the necessary change and bills are obtained from the bank. The machine does not add the amounts but functions only as an item counter.

Manufacturer: Denominator Adding Machine Company, 315 Eighth Street, Brooklyn (US)"

principle  counter

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 



input  keys
prod. years  
mach. built  


dimensions  8.5 x 25 cm
known s/n  
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: van Noort





Commonwealth (1915)

Martin (US), page 291

Martin (Dtsch), page 312


"Designer: Georg Browning. Manufacturer: Commonwealth Adding Machine Company, Muskegon, Mich. This is a ten-key adding machine of special design. Each number entered appears in a calculating mechanism above the attached keys so that the entry can be checked. The result mechanism is above the control windows. The machine has seven places. Total printing and zero setting are both carried out in one operation - one presses the total key and the zero setting lever is moved at the same time. All totals appear in red. Correction is carried out by pressing the correction key and shifting the correction lever. A nonprinting machine is also available."


principle  ???

capacity   7
production years  1915 - ???
machines built  ????
features  adding machine
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   





Continental (1916)

Martin (US), page 292 - 294

Martin (Dtsch), page 312 - 315 & 402 - 406


"This is a printing, full-keyboard, adding and subtracting machine produced by the Wanderer Werke, A.G. in Schönau b. Chemnitz."


Continental Klein Addi 8 / 9

principle  tooth bar


 7 (w/o cr)  x 8 or 8 (w/o cr) x 9 

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1930
mach. built  

 1 species, printer

dimensions  24 x 35 x 24
weight  12 kg
known s/n  P 68,223 , PA 26,160
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: H.Schneemann




Continental 9S

principle  tooth bar


 8 (w/o cr) x 9 

input  full keyboard
prod. years  
mach. built  

 2 species, printer

dimensions  24 x 36 x 26 cm
weight  10 kg
known s/n  P 53 100
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: A.Jeanroy





Cheape (1917)

Manufacturer: Cheape's Adding Machine CO. Inc., Charlottesville, VA, USA

US patent 1242921 from Oct 16, 1917


principle  spiral adder

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


 7 x 7

input  stylus
prod. years  1917
mach. built  

 1 species

known s/n  3.235
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
    source: patmckat76





Victor (1918)

Martin (US), page 294 - 295

Martin (Dtsch), page 315 - 317


"Designer: O. D. Johantgen. Manufacturer: Victor Adding Machine Company, 3047 Carroll Avenue, Chicago. This is a full-keyboard adding machine. Originally it was supplied with only repeat and zeroing keys and was nonprinting but, at the beginning of 1921, it was replaced by a model equipped for printing. "


Links and literature:

Peggy Aldrich Kidwell:  ‘Years for Improvement’—The Adding Machines of Chicago, 1884–1930 in IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, September 2001

P.Haertel: VICTOR-Rechenmaschinen, HBw-Aktuell 1/2004 (IFHB)


model 6-8-0

principle  tooth bar

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 8 (w/o cr)  x 9

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1948 - 1960
mach. built  

 1 species, printer

dimensions  22 x 32 x 13 cm
weight  4.5 kg
known s/n  599,692
price  SFr 650 (1951) 
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: Ch.Hamann





Champion 7

middle digits: 56 - 6 x 7 capacity, 81 - 8 x 9 capacity w/o negative saldo, 82 - 7 x 8 capacity, 83 - 8 x 9 capacity

right digits: 4 - manual operation, 54 - electric

principle  tooth bar

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 8 (w/o cr)  x 9

input  10 keyboard
prod. years  1945 - 1972
mach. built  

 2 species, printer, electric

dimensions  19 x 32 x 17 cm
weight  5 kg
known s/n  867,826, 910,133C, 2806-734
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: Ch.Hamann





Custom 60

middle digits: 85 - 10 x 11 capacity, 83 - 8 x 9 capacity, 60 - 8 x 9 capacity w/o negative saldo

right digits: 4 - manual operation, 54 - electric


principle  tooth bar

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 10 (w/o cr)  x 11

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1950 - 1956
mach. built  

 2 species, printer, electric

dimensions  24 x 36 x 18 cm
weight  9 kg
known s/n  1178-482C
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: Ch.Hamann




Custom 70



72-85-54    Multo-Matic "Simplex"  autom. multiplication

73-85-54    Divi-Matic "Simplex"  full automatic

74-85-54    Multo-Matic  autom. multiplication, back transfer

75-85-54    Divi-Matic  full automatic, back transfer

middle digits: 85 - 10 x 11 capacity, 83 - 8 x 9 capacity, 60 - 8 x 9 capacity w/o negative saldo

right digits: 4 - manual operation, 54 - electric


principle  tooth bar

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


 10 (w/o cr)  x 11

input  10 keyboard
prod. years  1950 - 1975
mach. built  

 printer, electric

dimensions  25 x 38 x 21 cm
weight  11 kg
known s/n  969737C, 2360-612
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: Ch.Hamann




Imperial 16 / 17

left digits: 16 - full keyboard, 17 - 10 keyboard

middle digits . 83 - 8 x 9 capacity, 58 - feet / inches / fractions

right digits: 4 - manual operation, 54 - electric

principle  tooth bar

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture


 8 (w/o cr)  x 9

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1960 - 1967
mach. built  

 2 species, printer, electric

dimensions  19 x 32 x 17 cm
weight  7 kg
known s/n  1511-289, 2808-200
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: Ch.Hamann






The McCaskey Register Company in Alliance, Ohio marketed the Victor machines under there own label.


Links and literature:

McCaskey Register Company



principle  tooth bar


 8 (w/o cr)  x 8 

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1924
mach. built  

 1 species, printer, identical to Victor 2

dimensions  23 x 43 x 20 cm
weight  13 kg
known s/n  35,169
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                        source: coogle





Herring Computing Machine (1918)

manufacturer: John L. Herring, Derry PA (USA)

US patent 1 263 244

see also Webb and Nestler & Roesler


principle  disk adder

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 up to 4 999 

input  stylus
prod. years  1918
mach. built  


known s/n  30 339
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: W.Szrek




Adma (1919)

Martin (US), page 299 - 301

Martin (Dtsch), page 321 - 322


"The Adma is a nonprinting, full-keyboard adding machine that developed from the Bordt (see the entry for 1908). Manufacturer: A.-G. fur feinmechanische lndustrie in Leipzig, Heerstr. 4."



for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 7 (w/o cr)  x 10 or 10 x 10 

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1919 - 1922
mach. built  


dimensions  40 x 20 x 19 cm
weight  11.5 kg
known s/n  113
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
       source: A.Pohl



Duco (1919)

Martin (US), page 301 - 303

Martin (Dtsch), page 322



"In 1914 the Duco was ready to be put into production but, because of the war, it did not appear on the market until the autumn of 1919. Manufacturer is the Duco Adding Machine Company in St. Louis, Missouri. At the present time the machine is not being produced. It never was imported into Europe."




 9 (w/o cr)  x 9 

input  finger pads
prod. years  1919
mach. built  

 2 species, printer

weight  17.5 kg
known s/n  
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                        source: ©Tekniska museet, Stockholm




Addo (1920)

Martin (US), page 301 - 303

Martin (Dtsch), page 322 - 325 & 385 - 386



"This is a miniature adding machine with rack setting. Manufacturer is A.B. Addo of Malmo. It is manufactured in three versions: model 2 is nonprinting, model 3 is for English currency and is nonprinting, and model 4 prints."

In the 1960s, the Addo company became part of the Facit company.

According to Timo Leipälä, the Addo company started in 1917 and sold its model 1 from 1918 on.

note: Addo 2 differs from normal stylus operated calculators like Addo 1 and Comptator, because tens transmission is not performed while you operate with the stylus. For tens transmission you have to pull the large crank like in usual printing adding machines.


Addo also produced pin wheel machines under the name Multo.


Links and literature:

Christofer Nöring: Addo calculators


model 1

principle  chain adder


 9 (w/o cr) x  x 9

input  stylus
prod. years  1918 - ?
mach. built  
known s/n  18J143
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: T.Leipälä




model 2

principle  chain adder


 10 (w/o cr) x  x 10

input  stylus
prod. years  1920 - 1927
mach. built  
known s/n   2 508, 3 164, 3 656
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: HJ.Denker





model 4

principle  chain adder


 10 (w/o cr) x  x 10

input  stylus
prod. years  1920 - 1927
mach. built  
features  printing
known s/n   3 606
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
      source: HJ.Denker




model 6

export was done under the label Addetto

principle  tooth bars

for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture 


 9 (w/o cr) x  x 9

input  10 keyboard
prod. years  ca. 1928
mach. built  
features  printing
dimensions  35 x 19 x 21 cm
weight  11 kg
known s/n  19.985
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   
       source: junigang





Calcus (1920)


manufacturer: Calcus Co., Toronto (CAN)


principle  disk adder



input  stylus
production years  1910 - 1920 ?
machines built   
known s/n  308
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: T.Leipälä




Surot (1920)

Martin (US), page 309-310

Martin (Dtsch), page 331


"The patent for this machine was issued to Oskar Rother and Karl Heindel of Dresden. Original Manufacturer: Schubert and Rother, Dresden. As of 1921 it changed to Cosmos Büromaschinen, Berlin (at this time it was renamed the Addi-Cosmos). As of 1922 it passed to Bergmann Universal-Gesellschaft m. b. H , Berlin-Wilmersdorf. This firm named the machine B.U.G., although in 1924, it stopped producing them, probably because they were also making another line of cheaper adding machines with hook tens-carry."



principle  toothed rack

capacity   9
production years  1921 - 1922
machines built  ????
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: W.Szrek




principle  toothed rack

capacity   9
production years  1922 - 1924
machines built  ????
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: T.Hampel




Direct (1920)

Martin (US)

Martin (Dtsch), page 410



"Construction: C.Moesch, manufacturer: Theo Muggli, Zürich."




Direct II


also available with capacity 7 x x 8



principle  toothed bar


 10 (w/o cr) x  x 10

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1920 - ?
mach. built  
known s/n  10.371
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                source: W.Szrek






Direct L10

also available as Direct L8 with capacity 8 x  x 8

principle  toothed bar


 10 (w/o cr) x  x 10

input  full keyboard
prod. years  1932 - ca. 1960
mach. built  
features  printing
dimensions  35 x 50 x 20 cm
weight  14.5 kg
known s/n  30.486, 52.956
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       Copyright by Fritz H. Niemann in Galerie Alte Technik




Arrow (1921)

Martin (US), page 312

Martin (Dtsch), page 334


"This is a pinwheel machine manufactured and distributed by the Arrow Calculator Mfg. Company in New York. Production has now apparently ceased."


principle  pinwheel


 9 x 8 x 15

input  cursors, rotating
production years  1921 - ????
machines built   ???
known s/n  
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: W.Szrek



Summator (1921)

Martin (US), page 312

Martin (Dtsch), page 334


Manufacturer: Hans Sabielny, Dresden

This is a small, nine-place adding machine with toothed rack drive.



principle  toothed rack

capacity   9
production years  ??????
machines built  ????
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                                                       source: W.Szrek



Calco (1921)

Martin (US), page 312 - 313

Martin (Dtsch), page 335


"The Calco is the first Danish pinwheel machine.  Manufacturer: A.S. Nordisk Regnernaskinefabrik, Koldingg. 14, later St. Kongensg. 59 in Copenhagen."


principle  pinwheel


 9 (w/o cr) x 8 (w/o tc) x 13

input  cursors, rotating
prod. years  1921 - ca. 1925
mach. built  
dimensions  30 x 16  cm
weight  4.5 kg
known s/n  956
for bigger and more pictures, click on the picture   

                                                                                    source: HJ.Denker



last updated: 25-Sep-13