Brunsviga Model A 1.725
no clearance of input, no carry above 10th position
source: W.Szrek 3.259
source: Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, photo: B.Breitbach 5.577
9 x 10 x 18; no clearance of input, no carry above 10th position, strange dec.point indicator
source: D.Verhoeven
source: D.Verhoeven
source: D.Verhoeven
machine is eqipped with a provision to avoid hurl (speed control)
source: A.Pohl
source: A.Pohl 5.735
9 x 10 x 18; no clearance of input, no carry above 10th position
permission granted 8.176
9 x 10 x 18; clearing of the input register and carry up to 13th position
source: H.Schneemann
source: H.Schneemann
source: H.Schneemann 9.337
9 x 10 x 18; clearing of the input register and carry up to 13th position
source: R.Browne 14.202
12 x 10 x 18; clearing of the input register and carry up to 13th position
source: W.Szrek
source: W.Szrek 14.462
9 x 10 x 18; clearing of the input register and carry up to 13th position
source: W.Szrek 23.051
9 x 10 x 18; clearing of the input register and carry up to 13th position
source: J.Krannich
last updated: 30-Nov-12